Restoring The Ancient Order Of Christ's Church


Proclaiming The Whole Council Of God's Word

Restoring The Ancient Order Of Christ's Church
Proclaiming The Whole Council Of God's Word


Restoration Pleas

No Creed but Christ

No Name but The Divine

No Book but The Bible

No Rule of Faith but the NewTestament

Where the Scripture Speak We Speak and where Scriptures are Silent we are Silent

In Faith Unity In Opinions Liberty

Calling Bible Things By Bible Names

Book Chapter and Verse for all we Preach and Practice

Communion new 10/13/2024


"The Uplifted Christ" John 3:1-14;10/13/2024-Audio

"The Uplifted Christ"-Video

"Good Stewardship??" Luke 16:1-13;10/06/2024-Audio

"Good Stewardship??"-Video

"Meet Jesus" John 12:20-28;09/28/2024-Audio

"Meet Jesus"-Video

"World On Fire" 1 Peter:3; 09/22/2024-Audio

"World On Fire-"Video

"5 Events" Matt. 16; 09/15/2024-Audio


"Love Not The World" 1 John:2"15-17; 09/08/2024-Audio

"Love Not The World"-Video

"Unlearned And Ignorant Men" Acts 4:1-4; 8/25/2024-Audio

"Unlearned And Ignorant Men"-Video

"Breakfast With The Lord" John 21;08/18/2024-Audio

"Breakfast With The Lord"-Video

"The FootStool" Hebrews 10; 08/11/2024-Audio

"The FootStool"-Video

"The Preacher" Matt. 3: 1-12 08/04/2024-Audio

"The Preacher"- Video

"The Little Book" Rev. 10:8-11 07/28/2024-Audio

"The Little Book"-Video

"The Living Word" John 7:1-13 07/21/2024-Audio
"The Living Word"-Video

"Challenged By Change" Heb. 11:25&27" 07/14/2024-Audio

"The Lamb Of God" Exodus 12:1-14; 07/07/2024-Audio
"The Lamb Of God"-Video

"Are We A One Nation Under God" Prov. 14:34; Psalm 33:12;06/30/24

"Are We A One Nation Under God" -Video

"Launch Out Into The Deep" Luke 5:1-11;06/23/2024-Audio
"Launch Out Into The Deep"

"When Father Does Best" Psalms 128; 06/16/2024-Audio"

"When Father Does Best"-Video

"Let"s Climb The Ladder" Gen. 28:10-20 06/09/204-Audio

"Let"s Climb The Ladder"-Video

"A Look At The River" Rev. 22:1-5 06/02/2024-Audio

"A Look At The River"-Video

"Memorial Day. Matt. 26: 6-13 5/25/2024-Audio

"Memorial Day"-Video

"Walking Through Romans 8" 05/19/2024-Audio

"Walking Through Romans 8"-Video

"A Mother's Love" 05/12/2024-Audio

"A Mother's Love"-Video

"Contend Earnestly For The Faith" Jude1-4 05/05/2024-Audio

"Contend Earnestly For The Faith"-Video

"The Church Of Laodicea" Rev3:14-21 04/28/2024-Audio
"The Church Of Laodicea"-Video

"Jesus is Lord Because Of How He Rules" Col. 2; 04/21/202 -Audio

"Jesus is Lord Because Of How He Rules" - Video

"Peeking In Heaven And Hell" Matt. 7:13-23 04/14/2024-Audio

"Peeking In Heaven And Hell"-Video

"The Great Red Dragon" Revelation 12:1-12 04/07/2024-Audio
"The Great Red Dragon"-Video

"Truly Jesus Is Resurrection" Mark 16:1-8 03/31/2024-Audio
"Truly Jesus Is Resurrection"-Video

3 Suppers John 14:1-24 03/24/2024-Audio
3 Suppers-Video

Dirty Feet Dirty Hands Dirty Mouth John 13-03/17/2024-Audio

Dirty Feet Dirty Hands Dirty Mouth-Video

"Death To Life" Matt. 22:23-33 03/10/2024-Audio
"Death To Life"-Video

"3 Crucifixons" Galations 6 03/03/2024-Audio
"3 Crucifixons"-_video
"Better than Angels" Heb.1:1-14 02/11/2024-Audio

"Better than Angels"-Video

"Name Of Jesus" Phil. 2:5-11 02/04/2024-Audio
"Name Of Jesus"- Video

"Merit And Mercy" 01/28/2024-Audio

"Merit And Mercy"-Video

"Two Audiences" 01/21/2024 1st Tim. 2-Video

"Lessons From Lazarus" 01/14/2024 - Video

"20/20 Vison For The New Year" 12/31/2023 Col. 3:1-10 -Audio
"20/20 Vison For The New Year"-Video

"Silent Night"
Daniel 9:22-2412/24/2023-Audio
"Silent Night"-Video

"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" Matt.2:1-23, 12/17/2023 Audio
"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas"-Video

"The Star" Matt. 2:1-5;12/10/2023-Audio
"The Star"-Video

"12 Days Of Christmas" Ezekiel 17:22-24-Video

"Unto Us A Son Is Born" Isaiah 9:1-8 1126/2023 -Audio
"Unto Us A Son Is Born"-Video

"Need Thanksgving?" Eph. 5:19-20 1Thess.5:16-18 11/19/2023-Video

What Would Jesus Do" James 7; 11/12/2023_Audio

"What Would Jesus Do"-Video

"Love That Weathers All Situations" Phil. 1: 1-30 06/11/2023
"Love That Weathers All Situations" Video

"Be Ye Reconciled To God" 2 Cor. 5; 06/18/203- Audio
"Be Ye Reconciled To God" -Video

Jesus Greater Than Jonah" Matt. 12:40-41 06/25/2023

"July 4th I Got To Be Free" Deu. 8:7-14
"July 4th I Got To Be Free" -Video

"Jesus Do NOTS" Matt. 6 , 07/09/2023
Jesus Do Nots - Video

"Hand Of God" Acts 11:1-30 07/16/2023-Video

New and Improved Heb. 8:6-13 07/23/2023

New And Improved -Video

"And Jesus Saw" Luke 21 07/30/2023 -Audio

"And Jesus Saw"-Video

"What to do till The Lord Returns" 09/24/2023

"What to do till The Lord Returns"-Video

"The Preacher" Matthew 13 - 10/1/2023 Audio

"The Preacher" Matthew13-Video

"Death of Elisha" 2 Kings 13:14-21 10/08/2023-Audio

"Death of Elisha"-Video

"A Walk With Jesus" Matthew 14:22-33 10/15/2023-Audio

"A Walk With Jesus"-Video

"An Attitude of Gratitude" Luke 17:11-19; 10/22/2023-Audio

"An Attitude of Gratitude"-Video

"Lessons On Prayer" Luke 18; 10/29/2023-Audio

"Lessons On Prayer"-Video

"Satan Stood Up " 1st Chronicles 21:1-15 "Sorry No Video 11/5/2023



















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W. Michael Whitaker


175 Depot St. NE
Christiansburg Va. 24073